Victim precipitation has often been blamed for the Columbine school massacre, playing on the beliefs that the killers had been taunted, and were lashing back at the victims. However, I do not think that there was any victim precipitation in the attack on Columbine. This seems one of the myths of Columbine created in the media circus following the event.
In the CNN Article, Debunking the Myths of Columbine, 10 Years Later (CNN, 2009 - ), author Stephanie Chen discusses many of the myths believed by the general public about Columbine. Among these are that the killers were part of the Trench Coat Mafia (they weren't), that they had been harrassed or teased before (no more than typical high schoolers), were loners (in fact, they were popular with a tight circle of friends), and targeted jocks and blacks (which they did not).
Another myth of Columbine was that the students created a hit list of intended targets. However, the list had several joke entries (e.g. Tiger Woods), and nobody on the "hit list" was injured or killed in the event. Rather than being outcasts, Harris and Klebold were reportedly far more accepted than most of their peers. (Sidebar, Slate Magazine, author & pub. date unknown ). If anything, the victims of Columbine seems to have been selected because the target was a known, familiar ground to the killers, much as the poor frequently prey on the poor in their neighborhood.
According to Dave Cullen, in an article published 4/20/2004 in Slate, The Depressive and the Psychopath: At last we know why the Columbine killers did it (, FBI psychiatrists and psychologists have categorized Klebold as a depressive, suicidal and disturbed young man who blamed himself for his problems. Harris however, has been classified as a psychopath by the FBI, a cold, calculating and homicidal killer, and not just a depressed loner.
According to Cullen, who spent years meticulously researching Columbine, the students were not seeking a school shooting at all, and mocked the notion of a school shooting. Their intent, rather, was a massive detonation of bombs both inside and outside the school, while providing strafing fire to gun down any who escaped the carnage. They planned on a body count to inflict the "largest number of deaths in U.S. history," intent on topping the murders committed by the Oklahoma City Bombing. Precipitation does not seem to have been a factor in the aggregate in the Columbine shooting. Only at the micro level, as individual students chose to run, cower, hide, and other minute decisions did those precipitate their personal victim status -- if they chose wrong, they were injured or killed. This doesn't seem, however, to be victim precipitation, as a crime was already in progress, and it was just their response to it.
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